In the early 80s this 1/48th Monogram F-111A Aardvark was the only kit available if you wanted a Vark in 1/48th. In reality this is not a true Monogram kit, rather a rework of an older Aurora kit (Thankfully they would not tend to go this route again). While it will build into a F-111 looking aircraft, keep your distance as if you know your Aardvarks this one isn't going to look quite right and there is not much the model maker can do about some of these errors (or should be bothered to try to correct).

Notable Kit Features:
Basic kit with few parts
Swing wing that sweeps back (with a plastic piece that covers the gap when full open)
Two seated crew members provided
Raised panel lines mixed with engraved details

Build Inspiration:
I decided my F-111A was to be a combat veteran jet from the Vietnam War era. F-111A Squadrons flew in the S.E Asia theatre starting with the initial pre-production "Operational Tests" named "Combat Lancer" program in March 1968. Combat Lancer Aardvarks conducted single aircraft strikes at night or in poor weather at low altitude. These tactics did not require aerial tankers, fighter cover or Wild Weasel (SAM) protection like other strike aircraft operating at the time. Although the program showed great promise, unfortunately these F-111A were still in late-test stage and the results showed. A series of accidents / malfunctions cost the USAF three F-111As and four crewmembers in just 55 combat sorties. After the third loss, combat testing was terminated. "Linebacker Operations" in 1972-73, with fully tested aircraft, better demonstrated what the F-111A was capable of. Aardvarks continued to fly through to the end of hostilities in 1975.
I decided on a 374th Tactical Fighter Wing F-111A for my collection. In July 1973, the 347th were stationed at Takhli Air Base conducting bombing missions in Cambodia in support of Khmer Republic forces until 15 August 1973 when US combat support ceased.

Heads-Up Report:
Although a basic kit, filler and sanding will be necessary in some areas especially the nose (which Monogram somewhat fixed the shape of the old Aurora kit but not without cost)
Incorrect shape to cockpit glare shield (which should be rather flat)
The instrument panel is a work of fiction
The canopy shape is off (but then so is the forward fuselage) I had to heat my canopy up a bit in order to get it to fit reasonably
There is No intake detail and the shape of the intakes is off as well
The main gear door / speed brake is incorrect in shape, having no curved up edges as it blends around the fuselage
Ventral strakes are also the incorrect shape
The rear fairings that the stabilizers attach to are too long
Centreline fairing is too short (apparently a common problem with F-111 kits)
Contours across the top of the engines are too pronounced
No wing slat or flap detail (and Monogram's scribing is off)
F-111 didn't carry TER - so save them for something else (They used BRUs / Bomb Release Units, which were more aerodynamic MERs unique to the F-111)

Kit Additions / Modifications:
Built Out-of-the-Box with the exception of custom markings from spares and Lettering / Numbering decals

The paint on this aircraft was, the time and masking tape consuming USAF TAC Jungle scheme assigned to the Vietnam war era aircraft. Consisting of FS 30219 Tan / 34102 Med. Green / 34079 Dk. Green over FS 36622 Lt Gray, the camouflage colours were sprayed in oil-based enamels, lightest to darkest without any weathering. A gloss coat was then sprayed using a lacquer finish to prepare for decals. The final matt coat was sprayed, using lacquer (Testors Dullcoat?) to complete the finish. Testors Buffing Metalizers were used on the exhausts.

The After-Build Report:
Rather disappointingly, the 1/48th Monogram F-111A Aardvark did not follow in the footsteps of their previous Century Series releases, as far as research and quality was concerned. Instead this was a re-tool of a 1960's Aurora mold (which was mediocre in its day at best). n Monogram seems to have half-heartedly upgraded this tired kit with the results being a F-111ish looking kit with not much to get excited about.
If you are looking for a nice accurate F-111 series aircraft in 1/48th scale, sorry to say, I don't think it exists as yet. Currently the only two acceptable(?) choices for F-111 kits in 1/48, are Academy and Hobby Boss. The 1/48th Hobby Boss kits provides much more detail including the wing slats and flaps, however misses the mark in a number of shape and detail areas (as do all the F-111 kits). If you just want a 1/48th F-111A and aren't too concerned about the wing details, the Academy kit is simplified, relatively inexpensive, has recessed panel lines and still a much better kit than the Monogram one to begin your project.
(The Italeri kit is the Academy plastic. The Zhengdefu kit was a cheap rip-off of the Academy F-111 series and Hobbycraft or Kitech kits were just re-boxed versions of this Zhengdefu kit.)
Feel free to comment or ask any questions - Keep on building, gain experience, challenge yourself if you like, but try not to stress yourself out over the build - it is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby after all - Cheers