Released in 1994 this 1/48th Monogram He 111 introduced recessed panel lines into their aircraft model production while keeping up their tradition of nicely appointed cockpits with raised detail for dials and switches. The model kit was still reasonably priced which made it an excellent value as well.

Notable Kit Features:
Recessed panel lines (and nicely done at that)
Crystal clear canopy parts
Option to build Standard, Blockbuster or Torpedo bomber version
Good details in front cockpit
Weighted tires provided
Nice overall detail but nothing extra

Build Inspiration:
The first movie that I ever saw in a commercial movie theater was "The Battle of Britain" ...need I say more? The Heinkel 111s were heavily featured in this film and this aircraft became synonymous with the battle just as much as the Hurricanes, Spitfires & 109s. I had built the rest of these subjects already, so now it was time to add this sinister aircraft to the collection. (BTW if you haven't seen the movie "The Battle of Britain" I would still highly recommend it. I haven't watched it in a few years however it still remains a Classic WWII war movie - albeit a little dated but worth the watch.)

Despite the fact that they were fitted with Merlin engines, the Spanish Air Force's Heinkel 111 fleet was "manna from heaven" to the film-makers in 1968.
Heads-Up Report:
Gaps at the bottom wing joins will require filler work
I had a fit issue with the standard bomb bay (but maybe that was just me) so I opted for the Blockbuster version to cover the gaps
Installation of the landing gear is a bit non-standard as you have to spread the gear doors apart to fit them, however it all worked out and the gear is stable when in place
I don't know if you noticed however there is a bit of glasswork here that requires masking off you'll have to do that drill (precut masks are available). Monogram does provide decent framework to guide you at least.
There is very little interior detail aft of the cockpit bulkhead (which suited me fine as it really won't be seen anyway, once the kit is assembled, but just be forewarned or have at it for the details here if you want to do some scratch building)
The kit has been criticized for some shape issues however I did not check mine against realistic drawings and found it acceptable (sometimes the key to enjoyable model building is not to look too hard.)

Kit Additions / Modifications:
Built out of the box as a He111H-5 of ./KG 55 Fledermaus night intruder squadron. They operated from Deux France in 1941, taking part in the Battle of Britain (Thankfully the tide tuned and the British & Allied forces managed a major victory here).

Finished off in the standard Kampfgeschwader colours of the time, consisting of RLM 70 / 71 splinter camouflage upper surfaces. These shades were weathered a bit, with some spot touch-ups added. This Battle of Britain warrior had its undersides overpainted black, which extended partially up the fuselage sides as well. My standard Gloss before decals and matte coat to seal everything in and provide the final finish was utilized. I am quite happy with the results of this build, despite any minor shortcomings, it looks good on the shelf and has a prominent display space in The Hangar here.

After-Build Report:
I would recommend this 1/48th Monogram He 111 kit if you can pick it up for a fair price, it builds into a nice model right out of the box. This kit was released again in 1995-96 by Revell, Pro Modeler and then again by Monogram in 2010. The newer ICM kit has now eclipsed this one-eleven with more detail, giving the model builder engines and separate control surfaces as an example, however it is much more expensive, so you'll have to weigh the advantages of each (if you can find a choice of kits).

Keep on building, gain experience, challenge yourself if you like, but try not to stress yourself out over the build - it is suppose to be an enjoyable hobby after all - Cheers