Hobbycraft released several 1/48th scale Bf109s in 1992 from the B to the E, which filled the gap on some early Messerschmitt types that typically had not been offered by other manufacturers. Their kits were basic however the surface detail was well done and the kits were inexpensive.

Notable Kit Features:
Basic kit construction with few parts
Nicely done surface detail with finely engraved panel lines
Separate flaps
Well fitting and looks the part
Inexpensively priced

Build Inspiration:
If you like the Messerschmitt Bf109 series, typically you end up building several of them and what 109 enthusiast doesn't want to eventually have as many of the different versions of the 109 in their collection? In stepped Hobbycraft and offered these early variants, (B,C D) many of which had not seen injection mold releases before.

Heads-Up Report:
Cockpit detail is a bit sparse and not very well done
No separate slats
Control surfaces are molded in neutral (except for flaps which are separate)
Canopy glass is thick and a bit distorted

Kit Additions / Modifications:
For this build I was okay with the out of box build complete with sparse pit and thick glass.
The only item added was some scratch built seat belts

The paint scheme worn by this Bf109C was the standard early WWII Luftwaffe camouflage for fighters, consisting of RLM 70 and RLM 71 over RLM 65. the early schemes tending to have the dark colours dominate the viewing points except from directly below. I pretty much always start with the light coloured undersides, mask that off to later spray the darker upper camouflage. A gloss coat is applied next in order to do the decals and any panel washes followed by the finish overspray of matt clear.

The After-Build Report:
Hobbycraft got a lot of grief from model makers for their shortcomings. Sure it would have been nicer to have a bit better quality in some of the kits (especially the Canadian content) however, you do have to give them credit for producing types that no other company had released (and still hasn't in some cases like the P-59 and CF-100). Their 109 series was a decent bargain kit. that was simple enough for a beginner and a decent starting point for a more experienced model maker.

Feel free to comment or ask any questions - Keep on building, gain experience, challenge yourself if you like, but try not to stress yourself out over the build - it is suppose to be an enjoyable hobby after all - Cheers