Here is another of Monogram's memorable "Century Series" kits, the F-101B Voodoo. Originally released in 1985, it remained the ONLY Voodoo in 1/48th scale until Kitty Hawk produced their version in 2014. These Monogram Voodoo kits are very nicely detailed for their age and still hold up well today.

Notable Kit Features:
Excellent molded cockpit detail
Two seated pilot figures
Intake trunking and engine faces provided
Positionable flaps and speed brakes
Rotating weapons bay with 2 AIM-4 Falcons & 2 Genie rockets
Two external fuel tanks
Positionable canopy
Fine raised panel lines and surface details

Build Inspiration:
I had originally built up this kit during 1992 in the markings of a RCAF 425th Squadron aircraft that had a couple of "Cold Shaft" intercept (red star) markings under the cockpit. Unfortunately the Testor's gloss coat lacquer that I used to do the final coat yellowed noticeably. Then I had a mishap during an attempted repair where the masking tape removed a portion of the yellowed lacquer (revealing just how yellowed the paint job was) as well as a portion of the side flash decal and tail markings. Disenchanted with the project, I stuck the nearly completed model on top of one of my display cases where it gathered dust for a few decades. I purchased some great replacement decals quite a number of years later from Belcher Bits, however didn't start the strip-down and repaint until I recently spooled up another of Monogram's Century Series, the F-102A Daggar build.

The model canopy was taped off and I proceeded to sand off the old enamel based paint job in preparation for the repaint with acrylics. At that point I decided to feature a RCAF 409 (Nighthawk) Squadron aircraft that had the unit colours displayed on the tail as well. "Media Nox Meridies Noster"
Heads-Up Report:
For an older kit the fit is pretty decent with vey little filler required. The operating rotating bay leaves some rather large (for scale) gaps at the sides however I decided to leave this be. On the nit pic side, one of the vents at the rear of the aircraft is incorrect in shape (the vents were actually different and Monogram has them mirrored... mind you so does Kitty Hawk in their much later release).

Kit Additions / Modifications:
This kit was built Out-of-the-Box with the exception of the Belcher Bits decals

Finishing: (Revisited)
Once I had the previous enamel paint job sufficiently sanded down, I began the process of repainting my Voodoo (with some trepidation for spraying an acrylic over former, although thoroughly sanded, enamel). The base paint is pretty straight-forward, consisting of something close to FS 36492 (different from the USAF Air Defence Gray) I used Tamiya XF-80 as a base. The other painted details were added (Nose / anti-glare, tail colours, red inner flap doors and primer wheel wells). Next the gloss coat was applied for the decals to go down over. I decided to paint over the wing-walk panels as my aircraft appeared to have darker than standard versions, so a bit of steady hand painting was necessary to correct this. I also spent a bit of time on the exhausts, getting a number of metal shades blended together in what would form those long afterburner and bare metal aft sections. A near final step was to figure out a suitable way to do the pitot barber pole, which was finally accomplished with a fine flexible decal. All the final fiddly parts were finally attached and my Voodoo remake was ready at last for a prime spot in the glassed in section of the display cabinets.

The After-Build Report:
If you want to build a 1/48th scale Voodoo then it pretty much comes down to this kit, possibly released by Revell at some point again, or the (now defunct but newer) Kitty Hawk example. I will still recommend this kit as it does build up into a nice replica of this big Fighter / Interceptor. The cockpit details consist of molded switches, throttle and stick with a pair of decent ejection seats and the surface details are nicely done. If you don't like the raised panel lines you can sand them off, as I did here, or work with them to get your Voodoo magic proudly on the shelf.

Re-Completed build #54 - December 1992 (Original) - December 2022 (Repaint) using the 1/48th scale Monogram #5811 kit.
Feel free to comment or ask any questions - Keep on building, gain experience, challenge yourself if you like, but try not to stress yourself out over the build - it is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby after all - Cheers