The initial release of this 1/48th Hasegawa A-7E dates back to 1987, so you may be thinking this is an old kit, however this is one of Hasegawa’s best as far as remarkable level of detail straight out of the box.
Notable Kit Features:
Excellent cockpit detail
Finely scribed panel and rivet detail
Detailed avionics bays on either side of the fuselage
Photo-etched fuselage skin reinforcements
Folded wing option
Separate slats and flaps
Nicely detailed wheel wells
Positionable horizontal stabilizers
Open / Closed ventral speed-brake
Boarding ladder

Build Inspiration:
I always liked the Blue Blazers (VA-93) look on the A-7 but preferred the more colourful version as opposed to the black & white decals that came with this kit, therefore I went with aftermarket decals on my 1/48th Hasegawa A-7E. As this work-horse aircraft was another, of the very few, flown by USN as well as USAF I ended up getting both the E and the D model at a local hobby shop (plus they were on sale so how could I not?).

Heads-Up Report:
The large, very visible intake will need clean-up of the side seams (or seamless replacement parts)

Kit Additions / Modifications:
I used the CAM P48-002 A-7 decals to get the VA-93 Blue Blazer look which included the blue nose and tail stripes used in the late 70s
Added seatbelts to the ejection seat
The paint scheme for this aircraft is the standard USN finish of the time, consisting of Grey (FS 26440) over White (FS 17875). To weather the aircraft a bit I used a "Salt-Weathering" technique however I learned a lesson. As I had stock of a semi-gloss enamel paint, I went with that, however in hindsight I will recommend - Don't use a salt weathering method with anything but flat paints or at least figure out a way to spray the paint with fairly light and dry coats. Otherwise the salt may get caught up in the stickier paint and create surface issues or melt down and not really do an effective job in the weathering process. (I found out the hard way.)

The After-Build Report:
I would highly recommend this 1/48th Hasegawa A-7E kit for patient, experienced model makers. The separate slats / flaps, foldable wings and avionics bays may be a bit of a challenge for beginners or for those seeking a simple build. Given the proper attention, this SLUF is an attention grabber. With so many A-7 options for decals, the debate will be which markings..?, or can I limit myself to just one of these SLUF kits? (That answer ended up being "No" :)
After this build I am definitely looking forward to the "D" version as well or another "E" if I come across one on sale. (Which a few years later I did...and bought it as well :) - See this link for my second pass at this kit:

I didn't even do the open avionics bays complete justice however, the detail inclusion in this kit makes it a remarkable one, as you don't need to go aftermarket to get a build that looks like you went to all the extra expense (and note this kit came out in the late 80's). Note: the decals are included for the inside of the gear doors as well.

Feel free to comment or ask any questions - Keep on building, gain experience, challenge yourself if you like, but try not to stress yourself out over the build - it is suppose to be an enjoyable hobby after all - Cheers